Vu sur le site de, Britney Spears recherche des figurants pour son prochain clip, l’ex popstar cherchant à faire son retour dans le milieu musical. Alors si tu as entre 21 et 30 ans, que tu es sexy, à la mode, motivée, Britney t’attend…. Mais attention, Britney – qui n’a pas les moyens de se payer un chorégraphe pour son clip – ne pourra pas te rémunérer. Comme le dit l’annonce, seulement la nourriture et les boissons sont fournis. Quelle lose.
Casting music video for major recording star! Please reply with a photo with your age, height and other specifics if you’d like to be an extra in a one day music video for an established major pop music star. We’re looking for attractive, hip, fashionable, and enthusiastic people ages 21 to 30 to act as bar patrons. The shoot hours will be 12 PM to 12 AM. Compensation is pro bono, however, food and drinks will be provided. This is a one day shoot with a fun and lively crew. A good time will be had by all! This is a great opportunity to be an extra in a big music video with a very well known artist. A confidentiality agreement must be signed if you are chosen. Reply to [email protected]
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